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Designer Kava Connoisseur Bundle (Save $56 + Free Shipping)

Designer Kava Connoisseur Bundle (Save $56 + Free Shipping)

Regular price $200.00 USD
Regular price $256.00 USD Sale price $200.00 USD
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Enjoy $56 off our entire selection of kava.

1 jar of every cultivar we offer.

100g of Midnight Borogu Tememe
100g of Luxury Tanna Pia
100g of Creamsicle Kelai
100g of Daydream Purple Selise

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Best Instant Kava Around

I'll admit that I was skeptical but this truly is the best instant kava around. While I typically prepare traditional kava, this stuff is perfect for when I'm not at home or in a pinch. No complaints on any one of these!

Some Guy That Drinks This Now
Tried many, sticking with these.

I’ve done the traditional kind before, but it was incredibly annoying to prepare. It was cheaper, but time is money and doing something annoying defeats the purpose of relaxation. Tried other “Instants” which usually contained fine print of it containing micronized. They were pretty good, but the nauseous feeling associated with them was next level plus having to wake up an hour earlier for work due to the horrendous bowel movements I will not describe made it not worth it. Tried all 4 of these mixed with cranberry juice to offset the taste. Nausea with higher doses was noticeable but minor, didn’t affect the experience at all. After my last glass I just snack lightly (fasted 4 hours prior) and everything was good. Morning after over using for the week never noticed any irregularities pertaining to the morning ritual. You may feel groggy if you had a lot, but that’s with any type of Kava in general. Just get a full night’s sleep and you won’t have that problem, common sense stuff. Price is a bit high, but I considered it worth it (so long as sales/discounts) as I’m not wasting money on chasers, munchies, etc associated with THC/Alcohol. If you’re looking for a complete replacement for your poison of choice, this won’t be it. Ask yourself if you’re trying to be drunk/stoned off your ass, or if you just want to be relaxed with some euphoria. If it’s the second, then I’d definitely recommend giving it a shot. If the taste is too much for you, prepare a heaping spoonful in a shot glass of cranberry juice and chase it with more juice. Just make sure to stay hydrated and you’ll be fine. Just remember, with all things moderation. It is hard on the liver but so is Tylenol/Alcohol, don’t mix them, don’t consume it everyday. If worked kicked your ass, have some or on the weekends, just not every single day. For those wondering how it makes you feel, you get an initial euphoria which is amazing and a feeling of light drunk almost/relaxed. Mentally, you remain crisp but more sociable as if you had a drink or 2. TMI from here but for the guys, it doesn’t affect your “performance” negatively at all unlike a high amount of alcohol. Everything functions just fine, hah. Think that wraps up the review. Highly don’t recommend mixing it with water as the taste is like eating dirt. You don’t serve an ounce of Vodka in an ounce of water so get creative.

David Mathews
Excellent Kava!

I’ve enjoyed ground kava for several years now. I recently came across Designer Kava’s post on Facebook. I was about out of my current bag of ground kava so I decided to give Designer a go. I recently lost my dad and anxiety and getting to sleep have been an issue. I decided to try the 4 pack thinking the Midnight Borogu Tememe and Creamsicle Kelai would help. They do not disappoint. The Creamsicle Kelai will get rid of the 100 lb weight off my chest and allow me to get on with my day. The Midnight Borogu Tememe definitely helps with getting to sleep. I am currently enjoying Daydream Purple Selise after a long day’s work and I am still trying to figure out the Luxury Tanna Pia as it is a bit slower to kick in. Overall I am super pleased with Designer Kava. I love the ease of instant kava and look forward to ordering more.

Michael Miller
Phenomenal instant kava

I've been doing kava for about 25 years. This stuff is so potent and the effects on the containers are accurate the Kelai is heady ,the Tememe is Heavy. Very happy with this purchase!

Designer Kava


Is shipping free?

Yes! Shipping is free. 100% free and fast shipping in the USA. Unfortunately, we can't ship free to other countries. We would lose too much money. We do ship internationally, just not for free like the US.

What is kava? What does it feel like?

Kava is a relaxing root beverage that has been consumed for thousands of years In the pacific Islands. It is commonly used as a medicinal drink, in religious ceremonies, and as a social beverage for its euphoric properties. The kava plant (plant scientifically named Piper Methysticum) has been grown in the volcanic soil of the South Pacific for centuries. After it reaches age, the root is dried and pounded into a powder for preparing drinks.The active chemicals in Kava that give its psychoactive effects are known as kavalactones. There are at least 100 different strains or cultivars of kava, each with a unique kavalactone make up giving the strains different effects.


✅ Relax the Mind and Body

Often consumed in the evenings or after work, kava has been used for thousands of years as a beverage to unwind and relax.

✅ Natural Sleep Aid

Kava can be used to promote deep sleep, helping you rest and recover. Say goodbye restless nights.

✅ Ease Social Anxiety

Proven through studies to help with nervousness, anxiety, tension and restlessness. 

✅ Non Addictive, No Hangover

One major benefit of kava is it is proven to be non addictive. Also, kava will not overly dehydrate your body or fill it with the toxins that lead to headaches or hangovers. It is still recommended you do not drive after drinking kava.

✅ Lift Mood & Increase Sociability

Cultures in the Pacific Islands have used kava as a way to establish peace between communities for thousands of years. People have said the people of the South Pacific are so friendly partially because of the kava they drink!

What does "instant kava" mean?

Instant kava means all you need to do is add water and stir, as opposed to a long preparation method with straining. Designer Kava makes instant kava by dehydrating fresh, green kava juice: so this kava is stronger & more effective than others on the market. We think that is a good thing.

Is it legal? Is it safe?

100% legal in the USA, natural and safe. We still would not recommend driving after you drink kava, as it can make you sedated.

Is this kava noble or lab tested?

All kava we sell is 100% lab-tested noble, processed at a food-grade facility in Vanuatu.

Is this kava flavored? What does it taste like?

Zero flavor or fillers, just 100% noble kava. Try mixing it with your favorite juice if you don't like the taste.