
How to drink kava: what to expect

How to drink kava: what to expect

First time drinking kava tea? We got you covered. You should expect a bitter mouth-numbing taste, followed by kavas naturally relaxing effects. The preparation methods of traditional kava are a bit...

How to drink kava: what to expect

First time drinking kava tea? We got you covered. You should expect a bitter mouth-numbing taste, followed by kavas naturally relaxing effects. The preparation methods of traditional kava are a bit...

Where to Buy Kava & How to Have the Strongest Kava Sessions

Where to Buy Kava & How to Have the Strongest K...

If you are looking to buy kava powder, or buy instant kava powder specifically: look no further, you are in the right place. Here at Designer Kava we offer only...

Where to Buy Kava & How to Have the Strongest K...

If you are looking to buy kava powder, or buy instant kava powder specifically: look no further, you are in the right place. Here at Designer Kava we offer only...

Instant Kava Powder: What it really means

Instant Kava Powder: What it really means

Simply put: instant kava powder is a premium kava product that makes kava ready to mix instantly without straining or other preparation. It is rare on the market and typically costs...

Instant Kava Powder: What it really means

Simply put: instant kava powder is a premium kava product that makes kava ready to mix instantly without straining or other preparation. It is rare on the market and typically costs...

The best kava mix and kava drink recipes

The best kava mix and kava drink recipes

We usually just mix Designer Kava instant kava with water, but one of our favorite things to do for instant kava drink recipes (not much of a recipe at all): we use...

The best kava mix and kava drink recipes

We usually just mix Designer Kava instant kava with water, but one of our favorite things to do for instant kava drink recipes (not much of a recipe at all): we use...

Strong kava: what makes it potent

Strong kava: what makes it potent

To answer simply: the strongest kava is going to be a kava that is exceptionally high in kavalactones per gram (that is not all that is important- read on to...

Strong kava: what makes it potent

To answer simply: the strongest kava is going to be a kava that is exceptionally high in kavalactones per gram (that is not all that is important- read on to...

Does Kava work? First time drinking kava?

Does Kava work? First time drinking kava?

Does it work? The answer is a resounding YES - otherwise the people who have been drinking kava for thousands of years in the south pacific would be living a...

Does Kava work? First time drinking kava?

Does it work? The answer is a resounding YES - otherwise the people who have been drinking kava for thousands of years in the south pacific would be living a...