What is Designer Kava?

What is Designer Kava?

Simply put, Designer Kava is the very best instant kava juice on the market.

We take pride in our product and process and do not offer any micronized products. To learn the difference between these, check out our article Instant Kava vs Micronized Kava.

The effects of Kava


The effects of kava include sociability, relaxation, and a general sense of calm and wellbeing. Kava root is even used as a sleep aid. The effects of kava come from the active ingredients in kava, known as kavalactones. Too learn more about the basics of kava, check out our article What is Kava?

So what is Designer Kava?

Super potent and clean instant kava. When we made Designer Kava we wanted to change the way kava is consumed- by making it easy and quick to prepare, without losing the effects of kava or extracting kavalactones with chemicals.

Designer Kava is real instant kava powder- made by dehydrating fresh kava juice. Designer Kava was created so you experience pure, potent, and smooth kava without the messy traditional preparation. After all, you are buying kava to relax, let us make it easy.

Designer Kava is able to be mixed directly with water and ready to drink instantly. We only use the absolute highest quality, single cultivar, noble kava strains. All of our kava is sourced from master growers on grassroots farms in Vanuatu.

Our instant kava powder is obtained via cold water extraction and careful filtration of peeled kava roots, within 24 hours after harvest. As soon as the kava root reaches our factory it is tested, then the production begins. After we make it, the fresh kava root juice is then dehydrated of all liquid, leaving only the very fine instant kava powder granules that you can prepare instantly by adding liquid and rehydrating.

This is as close an experience to real fresh kava on the pacific islands as you can get, without the hassle of traditional brewing methods. Modern relaxation with the full power of ancient island kava. Just as smooth as traditional kava, no chemical extracts (we only use water), and higher kavalactone content than almost anything on the market.

Perfect for seasoned veterans or if it is your first time drinking kava.

One reason we made Designer Kava is because we weren't super happy with the available kava products. Let's dive into it.


commonly sold kava products


Kava root is typically sold in one of three forms: Traditional (aka Medium Grind), Micronized, or Extract.

  1. Traditional Kava (Medium Grind) -

This is fairly well ground up kava root. To prepare, the kava powder is placed in a strainer or cloth bag and then worked and kneaded in a large bowl of warm water. This brewing process is done typically by hand for about 30-45 minutes. This hand kneading and stirring works the root powder with the water, moving the kavalactones (kavalactones are the active ingredients that give kava it's relaxing properties) to the water. The result is kava tea!

The only real problems with traditional brewing are A.) it is messy. B.)It is time consuming. C.)It is hard to determine if the kava tea will have good kavalactone content/effects, as many vendors use a blend of different kava strains. Because of the mixed blend sometimes the effects vary from drink to drink, even in the same session. 

     2. Micronized Kava

These kava products tried to solve the messy tedious preparation problem by providing a faster solution. Often they are misleadingly marketed as instant kava, but that is certainly not the case as these both are entirely different. Keep reading to learn more on the differences or check out our in depth article on the subject, Instant Kava vs Micronized kava.

Micronized kava products are, simply put, really finely ground up kava. More rigorous grinding and sometimes an air dryer is used to remove the more fibrous parts of the plant. Unfortunately vendors sometimes use this as an opportunity to use sub-par quality parts of discarded kava plants in order to save on cost. Often micronized kava leaves a residual sludge and sediment in the drink, and it is recommended after mixing micronized kava you run it through a strainer. In our opinion, this defeats the whole point!

The most common complaints for micronized kava are as follows: A.) Lack of potency (not made with quality kava or a blend, sometimes using other parts of the plant). B.) Rough kava powder sediment remains in the drink. It is one thing to drink the liquid, but a whole different story when it comes to slurping sludge. After all this is just a more ground up version of the root. The other and most painful complaint is C.) A stomach ache.

The whole kava root really should not be processed to be drank this way, that is why the traditional method uses a strainer!

     3.) Kava Extracts

Extracts are in our opinion even worse than micronized kava. Very little effects (if any), bad tasting chemical extracts, and low quality kava. A lot of supplement and vitamin companies who sell extract cut cost by using discarded parts of the kava plant, or grow low quality kava locally in the US. It is the general opinion of the kava community you should steer clear of kava extracts.

Enter Designer Kava

We are quite proud of our product and really think we solved all of the mentioned problems. Because we use fresh kava juice vs dried, our kavalactone content is much higher. This helps you feel the full spectrum of the effects of kava. On top of this, most of the kava from our farmers is at least 7 years old, which also helps potency.

We don't use any chemicals in the production process, only water. To be honest, we hate using the term extraction. We are not kava extract. We simply make kava juice and dry it out so you can drink it.

Designer Kava uses a single cultivar of kava per product, so you can experience that specific strain. Our team of experts works closely with the farmers making sure that we only purchase the most superior harvests.


In depth FAQs

What does kava taste like?

The scientific name for kava is piper methysticum, which translates to "intoxicating pepper". This is pretty accurate, as the taste of kava is typically peppery and bitter. However, because Designer Kava uses dehydrated kava juice, there is less plant/ root matter. We have been told it is smooth compared to other kava. We do not add any flavorings of any kind.

Is kava legal?

Yes, kava is completely legal in the United States and most places. In the US it is classified as an herbal supplement.

What is your refund policy?

We stand by our products and are confident you will sincerely enjoy. Because of this, we offer free returns/refunds for 30 days.

Does kava cause hangovers?

We only offer premium noble kava cultivars, which do not have hangover effects. Kava doesn't contain all of the harmful chemicals that alcohol does and does not dehydrate you the same way. Using kava may impair your ability to drive or operate heavy machinery.

How long until I feel the effects of kava?

This is dependent on your kava dosage, but typically 15 minutes to 40 minutes. Different strains/cultivars we offer take longer to effect you- for example the "Creamsicle" Kelai is very fast acting while the "Luxury" Tanna Pia creeps up with a strong effect. Some report that the effects of using kava are felt more if drinking kava on an empty stomach. On this same subject, some say that the kava effects will kick back in after they eat a meal on kava. If you want a kava for sleep, try our "Midnight" Borogu Tememe Kava.

How do I make a strong kava drink?

Fortunately this answer is simple: strong kava. All of our kava is very high quality and potent. All you need to do is mix a teaspoon or two with your favorite drink. There is no need for any kind of in depth preparation like with traditional kava brewing. The preferred kava dosage depends on the person. We can almost guarantee this will be the strongest you have experienced. If you want to learn about strong kava: what makes it potent - check out that link.

What amount of kava should I take? What is the kavalactone amount?

We recommend you start with one teaspoon, this is about 2-2.5 grams of Designer Kava. The dose of kavalactones realistically is impossible to accurately determine, but we test around 12-18% in most (this is very high). The amount of kava you take vs the effects of kava depend on the user and experience, that's why we recommend starting with one teaspoon. We don't suggest more than 3 or 4 teaspoons in an evening, and we do not claim to know an exact mg of kavalactones.


What happens if I take too much kava?

Taking too much kava is somewhat subjective. Kava overdose is something that doesn't really exist. We recommend no more than 3 or 4 teaspoons in an evening as a general kava dosage. If you take a larger amount than 1 or 2 tsp, you will almost certainly want to sleep. How much kava is too much kava? It is honestly difficult to say, as how much kava a person needs depends on many factors. If you are absolutely excessive with your kava consumption in an evening, you may get a stomach ache until you go to sleep, and you could feel groggy the next day. We can not give medical advice.

What is reverse tolerance?

Reverse tolerance is a very interesting subject and somewhat unique to kava. Some people report being more and more receptive to the effects of kava as they drink kava more often. As your kava consumption frequency and experience increases, you may notice the effects more. How much kava it takes to cause a reverse tolerance is up to debate. The good thing is you end up saving money, as you don't need much kava down the road if reverse tolerance effects you.

What are the side effects of kava?

In general the side effects associated with kava are uplifted mood, relaxation, and lowering of stress. Extreme excessive consumption of kava over a prolonged period may lead to dry skin, a condition known as kava dermopathy. The average kava user will never experience this. Too much of anything good is bad. Other side effects include sleepiness, and if you drink way too much kava you may get nauseous.

Does kava have risk of liver damage?

Due to an outdated study done 15 years ago in Germany, most people researching kava online will come across claims of kava liver toxicity and various liver problems. These claims have been largely debunked by numerous studies done at universities. Since then the ban in these countries has been lifted. Some things overlooked in the studies claiming liver toxicity or liver damage:

i) study participants consuming other substances known to negatively affect liver function

ii) the researchers’ use of parts of the kava plant not meant for use in drinks in the preparation given to study participants.

Beyond this, kava has been used for 1000s of years in the pacific islands, and the locals do not have high cases of liver damage. According to the National Library of Medicine, “based upon reported cases, the estimated frequency of clinically apparent liver injury due to kava is less than 1:1,000,000 daily doses.

quote from The World Health Organization:

“Kava has had at least a 1500-year history of relatively safe use, with liver side effects never having arisen in the ethnopharmacological data. Clinical trials of kava have not revealed hepatotoxicty as a problem. This has been confirmed by further studies evaluating the toxicology of kava drink. Based on available scientific information it can be inferred that kava as a traditional beverage is safe for human consumption.”

In conclusion it is our opinion the negative health and side effects from kava is minimal. How is that for an in depth answer?

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